Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Are you wondering when should you get a Tune up on Your Car?

tune up car colton ca

Have you noticed dashboard lights coming on and wonder what the issue might be? There is a way to find out!  Today's vehicles are designed with computer processors, microchips and sensors, which can be linked to a specialized diagnostic computer which scans the operating systems.  

This diagnostic computer can find issues associated with the transmission, oil tank, gas tank, exhaust system, and other components.  It can also indicate ignition timing problems, level of buildup in the combustion engine, fuel injector performance, whether the ignition coils are firing, engine rpm levels, air and coolant temperature, crankshaft and camshaft position, and throttle opening.  In other words, it will let you know when it times for a tune up!  

So when should you get a tune up on your car?  A car diagnostics will help your mechanic pinpoint potential issues lurking under the hood.  Of course, a tune up will vary from vehicle to vehicle-based on age, mileage and unique manufacturer recommendations for that vehicle. 

Tune-ups remain an important part of vehicle maintenance and should never be overlooked.  You will save a lot of time and money because your mechanic can perform wanted repairs the first time around, and not on a "trial-and-error" basis.  The issue can be identified quickly, parts can be ordered and the issue fixed before it gets any bigger.

Wondering when should you get a tune up on your car?  Call Our ASE-certified technicians at Proshop Automotive for more information about car diagnostics and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in Colton, CA, and the surrounding areas.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Wondering How Often Should You Get An Alignment on Your Vehicle?

wheel alignment colton ca

“Oh no, my vehicle keeps going left but I’m steering straight!  Will this damage my vehicle?”  If you have owned a car for very long, you have possibly had those same questions.  Car alignment problems aren’t always obvious right away and they tend to get worse over time.

How does poor alignment affect the handling of your vehicle?  Car misalignment is a condition when tires are not pointing in the same direction as the steering wheel.  It can shorten the life of your tires by thousands of miles and compromise essential steering and suspension parts.  As soon as you start to notice steering issues, make sure to make an appointment.  Your mechanic can advise whether you want an all-wheel alignment or just a front alignment.

So how often should you get an alignment on your vehicle?  It’s a good idea to have your car alignment inspected about every 6,000 miles.  At the very least, have it inspected at every other oil change or at the first sign of premature tire wear. Here is why the correct front alignment is important:
  • Boosts your vehicle’s handling and safety, 
  • Improves fuel efficiency,
  • Prevents damage to important vehicle components, and 
  • Extends the life of your tires.  
Remember:  The price of a car alignment service is much more cost-effective than paying for a new set of tires!

Need to know how often you should get an alignment on your vehicle?  Call our ASE Certified technicians at Proshop Automotive for more information about our all-wheel or front alignment services and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in Colton, CA, and the surrounding areas.