Have your headlights suddenly stopped working? Or are they looking dim and fogged over? Take note of the type of failure and head to your auto shop. Even though headlight technology isn’t complex, there are many ways that headlights can fail. First of all, your Auto mechanic will want to know whether both lights failed at once, or just one, and whether or not the high or low beam mode still works.
So what causes headlights to go out? It's commonly an electrical issue or a physical problem with the bulbs themselves. Based on which bulbs have stopped working, and under what circumstances, you can use the following information to narrow down a solution:
- One headlight doesn’t work. This is usually caused by a burned out bulb. If it still doesn't work after replacing it, suspect a wiring or fuse issue.
- Both headlights don’t work. Bulbs usually don’t burn out together, but it’s still vital to rule that out by checking for power. Most total headlight failures are caused by a bad component like a fuse, relay. Wiring issues can also cause both headlights to stop working.
- The high beams and/or the low beams don’t work. Most headlight failures that are limited to just high or low beams are related to a relay or the high beam control switch.
- Headlights seem dim. If your headlights always seem dim, the issue could be foggy lenses or worn out bulbs. If your headlights seem to dim during specific circumstances, there may be a charging system problem.
- Other headlight issues. Caused by some combination of bad bulbs, wiring or relay issues, and bad switches.
In the past, many car owners were able to replace burned out headlights or brake lights themselves. But with the design of today’s vehicles, headlights and brake lights are much harder to access. If you don’t own the right tools and diagnostic equipment, it is much smarter to go straight to your mechanic who understands how to check the headlight system, inspect the fuses, and take a look at the switch and relays.
Wondering what causes headlights to go out? Call the ASE-certified technicians at Proshop Automotive for more information about headlights and brake lights and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in Colton, CA, and the surrounding areas.