Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wondering what does a diagnostic test do for your car?

what does a diagnostic test do for your car

Annual physical inspections help keep you in good health, right?  The same is true for your car!  Regular diagnostic tests can detect car issues before they require costly repair, or worse, leave you stranded on the side of the road after a breakdown.  While some vehicle owners think diagnostic tests are only compulsory when the check engine light comes on, there are many benefits to taking a proactive approach to car maintenance, including the need for a car tune up.   

So what does a diagnostic test do for your car?  Using specialized software and thanks to built-in processors, microchips and sensors, diagnostic tools speedily and accurately point to issue areas within the engine, transmission, brakes, exhaust system and other major components, as well as performance problems with the fuel injector, airflow and coolant, ignition coils, and throttle. 

Before the emergence of car diagnostic tests, identifying issues was timesaving and costly.  Vehicle owners normally only brought their cars to mechanics after a breakdown or other severe malfunction. Now, computerized components can detect issues long before they cause a breakdown. Diagnostic tools can also inspect a car’s computer system for manufacturer notifications and stored information about the car’s history, giving technicians a complete picture in order to perform the best repair potential.  This saves time and money spent troubleshooting an issue--you don't have to pay for repairs performed on a "trial-and-error" basis.

Many auto technicians recommend taking your car in for a diagnostic check at least once a year.  This can uncover minor issues that can’t be seen or heard.  Diagnostic testing is also a useful tool when you’re inspecting out of a used car. Both private sellers and expert car dealers should agree to a diagnostic test before you commit to buying, and if they don’t, that’s a sign you should walk away from the deal.

What does a diagnostic test do for your car?  It means that your auto mechanic can identify the issue quickly; order parts as compulsory; and have it fixed before it becomes a more expensive repair. 

Are you wondering what does a diagnostic test do for your car?  Call our ASE Certified technicians at Proshop Automotive for more information about a car tune up and to make an appointment. Our auto repair shop proudly serves residents in Colton, CA, and the surrounding areas.

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